BIOEF – Basque Foundation for Health Innovation and Research

Basque Foundation for Health Innovation and Research (BIOEF) is the corporate head of the R&D&i developed in the Basque Public Health System. The Foundation is the main instrument created in 2002 by the Ministry for Health of the Basque Government and for the design and deployment of R&D&I strategies, also ensuring the coordination of R&D&I activities carried out by the research institutes. 

The Foundation participates in the development of strategic plans, programs or initiatives, promotes the gradual structuring of health’s R&D&I and its professional management, disseminates the results of these activities and values them, triggers transfer and exploitation of the results, and supports the Ministry for Health and Basque Public Health Service-Osakidetza in R&D&I. 


BIOEF – Basque Foundation for Health Innovation and Research