Technology domains eligible for funding
Innovative diagnostic and screening systems Fast, cost-effective and easily deployable sampling, screening, diagnostic and prognostic systems, including new methods for screening of lungs, using for example AI or advanced photonics solutions, to detect the presence of the pathogen related parameters especially in an early stage of infection.
Environmental surveillance Environmental surveillance (sewage, air, etc.) systems and data analytics as a sentinel for viral (re)emergence and spread in communities, based for example on optical biosensors or genetic detection.
Protective equipment for People and safer Public Protection of healthcare practitioners and the general public improving for example the wetting and filtering properties of fabrics used for face masks; sensors, sterilisation, including robotics and AI solutions, for disinfection and social distancing in environments such as healthcare, public spaces and buildings.
Sensors & Devices for Telemedicine and Telepresence Low cost sensors, smart wearable devices and robotics/AI for telemedicine, telepresence and continuous remote monitoring of patient parameters
OpenCall Second Round Overview
In the Second round of Inno4cov-19 Open Call a total of 290 applications were submitted by applicants from 36 different European countries (2 non-eligible), being the majority on behalf of SME and Start-ups.After a first eligibility check, a total of 182 applications were submitted to the full evaluation process, resulting in 12 proposals recommended for funding (7% success rate).
Distribution of Proposals
Distribution of eligible proposals, of proposal selected for interview and of proposal selected for funding per each technology domain.
The proposals selected for interview were the ones that scored above the threshold.
Geographical Distribution of Proposals
Geographical distribution of eligible applications, proposals selected for interview and proposals selected for funding.
Distribution of Proposals per type of applicants
Distribution of eligible (A) and funded applications (B) per type of applicant, evidencing a high proportion of SMEs and startups.