City Sentinel V-SENSE: City Sentinel: Viral, Variants and Socio-EcoNomic SurvEillance
Communications Disseminations 28.10.2021

City Sentinel V-SENSE: City Sentinel: Viral, Variants and Socio-EcoNomic SurvEillance

AQUATEC Proyectos para el Sector del Agua, S.A.U

Presentation video: City Sentinel V-SENSE

City Sentinel V-SENSE has the objective of deploying a data-driven sentinel service providing sewagebased environmental surveillance of viral and variants contamination and predictive alerts on (re)emergence and spread in communities, with a specific focus on monitoring disfavored urban areas that suffer both high sanitary and socio-economic impacts. To do so, City Sentinel V-SENSE builds upon a cross-disciplinary analytic approach which combines advanced health monitoring and social sciences. This innovative approach is reached by monitoring in a continuous and predictive manner the viral and variant incidence, as well as mapping the variations in socio-economic indicators that result from different pandemic control measures. City Sentinel V-SENSE is thus a tool that will enable municipalities to design, carry out and monitor the impacts of specific social measures in sensitive urban areas. 

City Sentinel V-SENSE builds upon City Sentinel COVID-19 developed by AQUATEC, a digital platform to support public authorities in COVID-19 management. The platform provides aggregated information from genetic sensing in the sewerage together with health evolution indicators. From the analytics perspective, the system can accurately predict variations in COVID-19 clinical incidences in one-week horizon by exploiting artificial intelligence (AI) models. City Sentinel COVID-19 is successfully deployed currently in more than 100 municipalities in Spain. The solution is designed to optimize sampling campaigns with maximum population coverage and cost-efficiency criteria. City Sentinel V-SENSE will extend the current predictive scope to the variants of concern and will integrate additional data-driven models to optimize sewerage sampling campaigns based on socioeconomic criteria. Additionally, it will deploy data analytics to monitor impacts of the pandemic in vulnerable areas using novel indicators based on information from sewerage, open data and information from water utilities.