INNO4COV-19 Project attended “Conference on Industrial Technologies IndTech2022 on the 27th-29th June 2022 in Grenoble, France.
Communications Disseminations Generic 01.07.2022

INNO4COV-19 Project attended “Conference on Industrial Technologies IndTech2022 on the 27th-29th June 2022 in Grenoble, France.

INNO4COV-19 Project attended “Conference on Industrial Technologies IndTech2022 in Grenoble, France. The Project displayed itself and its services with a dedicated space on the OITB Village.

Third Parties Orient and Facsa, were present at IndTech2022 , showcased their projects funded by the INNO4COV-19 Open Call.

INNO4COV-19 Project promoted the Project final event “Back to a Healthy Future” at IndTech2022.